
All registered AYSO volunteers can access AYSOU powered by etrainu, by logging into to their home Region AYSO registration site and connecting to AYSOU from their volunteer profile or their Region’s website.

Using the Training Event Calendar, locate the EXPO course/workshop by Date, Location, Course and enroll in the course. Volunteers who do not pre-register (enroll) will be required to enroll online when they enter the class. Volunteers must also sign the course roster to confirm their attendance.

Anyone who does not register or attend the full class, will not be given course credit. Course credit, either continuing education credit or job training certification, will be given for all EXPO workshops.

Category: Courses

Instructors need to create a course in-person session/event for the EXPO in AYSOU as soon as registration is open for the EXPO. This will allow volunteers to pre-register and reserve their spot. It also helps ensure that appropriate space and instructors are allocated to the course.

When setting up EXPO workshops, it is recommended that multiple instructors are assigned to each workshop so that they can support attendees registering for the course, signing the roster to confirm attendance and to complete any assessments.

Category: Courses

For each course in-person session, there will be one event set up in AYSOU (etrainu) Assessing App, where all volunteers will register. The instructor(s) will be responsible to mark off each assessment item (required component) for each confirmed attendee on the roster. At the end of assessments, the instructor(s) are responsible for closing the event, which pushes the completion data to the LMS where the volunteer can retrieve a certificate of completion and an updated Skills Passport.

Category: Courses

General Questions

AYSO EXPOs are annual nationwide events for AYSO volunteers, hosted by Sections, that provide opportunities for training, certification and continuing education for all volunteers: coaches, referees, management and more. They are also great networking avenues to connect with other volunteers from surrounding Regions, that allow you to learn from one another. In addition to the training, there is a Sponsor/Vendor Show where you can meet not only AYSO National partners but local vendors in your communities that are providing services that can help your programs. It is also a weekend where we celebrate the achievements of volunteers who go above and beyond in your community.

Mark your calendar to join us as we share ideas, stories and our love of soccer with other AYSO volunteers just like you!

Category: General Questions

Any person who is a registered volunteer for the current membership year can attend any AYSO EXPO.

Category: General Questions

Parking fees may vary by location and venue.  Once all details are confirmed for each event, please check your specific EXPO page for more information.

Category: General Questions

The EXPO registration fee includes your admission to the AYSO EXPO only, which includes access to all courses* and meals** listed on the event agenda; this fee is the per attendee cost to attend.

*PLEASE NOTE: Some courses do require an additional fee, registration, and/or prerequisite is required, which will be listed on the agenda if applicable.

**Please note that any meal functions included as a part of your registration fee may vary by EXPO location; refer to the links above to visit your specific EXPO’s webpage to see what is included in the event agenda.

Category: General Questions

Typically, the event begins on Friday at 2pm, and end on Sunday at noon.  This may vary from EXPO to EXPO; please check your specific EXPO’s webpage and agenda for your event.

Category: General Questions

Each EXPO has a preferred hotel location and a room block with great rates for our attendees to stay.  These reservations can be booked by clicking the separate hotel reservation link on your specific EXPO page.

Please note that pricing and deadlines vary by location, with a limited number of rooms in the group block. AYSO cannot guarantee the group rate if the block has been filled or if the hotel deadline has expired, whichever comes first.

Category: General Questions

For instructions on where to find Instructor material, please visit our Instructor Resources page.

Category: General Questions

Each EXPO handles their own exhibit show and has a specific price and process. Please email about your interest along with your company name and product and we will connect you with the appropriate  contacts for each event.

Category: General Questions

Registration Questions

Each regional AYSO EXPO, as determined by the Section, will have specific registration and payment requirements/websites. Please visit our specific EXPO webpage to register.

In addition to registering for the EXPO, volunteers will be required to register for the courses/workshops they wish to attend in AYSO’s Learning Management System, AYSOU, powered by etrainu.

Please email the contact on your specific EXPO page for the refund policy.  Policies may vary by EXPO location.

The AYSO EXPO registration includes: access to all scheduled workshops (except Instructor Courses), all meals (if offered) and refreshments breaks throughout the scheduled weekend event as well as an event goody bag and materials.  Just as pricing and event agendas vary by EXPO location, the EXPO registration fee may include different meal functions, which can include a Friday night Welcome Reception, Saturday Breakfast, and Saturday Lunch; this may vary by EXPO.  Any meals included with your EXPO registration fee will be listed on the EXPO event agenda for your location.

The Single Day Pass* is for Saturday ONLY and includes access to all scheduled workshops (except Instructor Courses), Saturday meals (if offered), AYSO EXPO goody bag and materials.

* Please note: If your EXPO offers Single Day Passes, there may be a limited number of Passes for each EXPO and registrations will be honored on a first come, first serve basis. If you have questions regarding Single Day Pass availability for your EXPO, please contact the personnel on the specific EXPO webpage for more information.

Additional tickets to meal functions can typically be purchased once onsite at the EXPO but check with your specific EXPO planner for details.

Each EXPO may offer Instructor Courses as a part of the weekend event.  Instructor courses prepare and train volunteers to become instructors in their specific discipline.  There is an additional fee to register for the course(s) because it typically includes expanded learning materials such as manuals and handouts as well as lunch.  This additional fee typically covers these expenses. Pricing, course offerings, and what the fee covers may vary by EXPO location.

All registered AYSO volunteers can access AYSOU powered by etrainu, by logging into to their home Region AYSO registration site and connecting to AYSOU from their volunteer profile or their Region’s website.

Using the Training Event Calendar, locate the EXPO course/workshop by Date, Location, Course and enroll in the course. Volunteers who do not pre-register (enroll) will be required to enroll online when they enter the class. Volunteers must also sign the course roster to confirm their attendance.

Anyone who does not register or attend the full class, will not be given course credit. Course credit, either continuing education credit or job training certification, will be given for all EXPO workshops.

Instructors need to create a course in-person session/event for the EXPO in AYSOU as soon as registration is open for the EXPO. This will allow volunteers to pre-register and reserve their spot. It also helps ensure that appropriate space and instructors are allocated to the course.

When setting up EXPO workshops, it is recommended that multiple instructors are assigned to each workshop so that they can support attendees registering for the course, signing the roster to confirm attendance and to complete any assessments.

For each course in-person session, there will be one event set up in AYSOU (etrainu) Assessing App, where all volunteers will register. The instructor(s) will be responsible to mark off each assessment item (required component) for each confirmed attendee on the roster. At the end of assessments, the instructor(s) are responsible for closing the event, which pushes the completion data to the LMS where the volunteer can retrieve a certificate of completion and an updated Skills Passport.